AMD Turion X2 Ultra mobile technology ZM-84 Specifications, Tests and Review

Number of Cores
Clock Speed
2.3 GHz

A detailed list of technical data, specifications, benchmarks and expert review of AMD Turion X2 Ultra mobile technology ZM-84. Get a comprehensive look at your chosen processor and see if this is the one that will best suit your needs. You can also use the comparison feature to compare with other competing CPUs.

AMD Turion X2 Ultra mobile technology ZM-84 Full Specifications and Benchmark

general processor expansion & connectivity

GENERAL AMD Turion X2 Ultra mobile technology ZM-84
Product Type Processor (mobile)
PROCESSOR AMD Turion X2 Ultra mobile technology ZM-84
Type AMD Turion X2 Ultra mobile technology ZM-84
Processor Qty 1
Number of Cores Dual-Core
Clock Speed (Frequency) 2.3 GHz
64-bit Computing Yes
Cache Memory Details L2 - 2 x 1 MB
Installed Size 2 MB
EXPANSION & CONNECTIVITY AMD Turion X2 Ultra mobile technology ZM-84
Compatible Slots 1 x processor

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