NVIDIA Tesla K10M (left to right) comparison

NVIDIA Tesla K10M (left to right) vs. -

NVIDIA Tesla K10M (left to right) Comparison Chart

GENERAL NVIDIA Tesla K10M (left to right) -
Product Type GPU computing processor - fanless -
Bus Type PCI Express 3.0 x16 -
Graphics Engine 2 GPUs - NVIDIA Tesla K10 -
API Supported OpenACC -
Features Nvidia CUDA technology, Error Correcting Codes (ECC) Memory, dual slot heatsink, SMX technology, Kepler GPU Architecture, Dynamic Parallelism, Hyper-Q -
Height 11 cm -
Depth 26.5 cm -
PERFORMANCE NVIDIA Tesla K10M (left to right) -
Core Clock (Frequency) 745 MHz -
CUDA Cores 3072 -
MEMORY (RAM) NVIDIA Tesla K10M (left to right) -
RAM Memory Size 8 GB -
RAM Technology GDDR5 SDRAM -
Effective Clock Speed (Frequency) 2.5 GHz -
Bandwidth 320 GBps -
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS NVIDIA Tesla K10M (left to right) -
Additional Requirements 6-pin + 8-pin PCI Express power connectors -
MISCELLANEOUS NVIDIA Tesla K10M (left to right) -
Power Consumption Operational 225 Watt -
Service & Support Limited warranty - 3 years -

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