Sapphire AMD FirePro V3900 comparison

Sapphire AMD FirePro V3900 vs. -

Sapphire AMD FirePro V3900 Comparison Chart

GENERAL Sapphire AMD FirePro V3900 -
Product Type Graphics card - low profile -
Bus Type PCI Express 2.1 x16 -
Graphics Engine AMD FirePro V3900 -
Max. Resolution 4096 x 2160 -
Max. Resolution Details DVI: 2560 x 1600 / DisplayPort: 4096 x 2160 -
Max. Monitors Supported 5 -
Process Technology 40 nm -
Interfaces DVI-I (dual link)
VGA - with adapter
DVI - with adapter
API Supported DirectX 11, OpenCL 1.1, OpenGL 4.2 -
Features AMD Eyefinity Technology, AMD Stream technology, AMD AutoDetect Technology, Shader Model 5.0, Full 30-bit Display Pipeline, Unified Driver Architecture (UDA) -
PERFORMANCE Sapphire AMD FirePro V3900 -
Core Clock (Frequency) 650 MHz -
Stream Processors 480 -
MEMORY (RAM) Sapphire AMD FirePro V3900 -
RAM Memory Size 1 GB -
RAM Technology GDDR3 SDRAM -
Bus Width 128-bit -
Bandwidth 28.8 GBps -
OS Required Microsoft Windows Vista (32/64 bits), Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Linux (64-bit), Microsoft Windows 7 (32/64 bits), Microsoft Windows XP (32/64 bits), Windows 8 (32/64 bits), Linux (32-bit) -
Min. RAM Size 512 MB -
Required Power Supply 450 W -
Additional Requirements DVD-ROM, PCI slot -
MISCELLANEOUS Sapphire AMD FirePro V3900 -
Included Accessories Low-profile bracket -
Cables Included 1 x DVI-VGA adapter
1 x DisplayPort-DVI adapter
Software Included Drivers & Utilities -
Power Consumption Operational 50 Watt -
Compliant Standards UL, VCCI, C-Tick, BSMI, FCC, RoHS, KCC, WEEE -
Service & Support Limited warranty - 3 years -

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